Last Day To Get The Book of Inspirational Interiors at 50%

Its been an exciting couple of weeks since we launched our first eBook. The sales have been absolutely brilliant and we want to thank everyone who trusted us and decided to go for it! Your responses have been very motivating and we are able to say, at this point, that we are yet to have an unsatisfied customer. We have the 50% off offer up for just one more day now and if you haven’t made up your mind yet, you still have 1 day to get this book at this great price.

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Fantastic City Made from Toothpicks

As a kid, Stan Munro made a toothpick structure that could hold a desk. Since then his natural talent has transcended the toothpick to a serious form of art and design. After putting in years of hardwork and patience Stan came out with his first toothpick city in 2005. It had 50 of the world’s most famous structures and has been permanently placed in House of Katmandu, Spain. Stan’s next project Toothpick City 2 is about religious temples and towers and is based on “man’s quest for the heavens, whether spiritual or physical.”

amazing toothpick design

awesome toothpick monument

toothpick building

toothpick expert at work

toothpick london bridge

toothpick opera house

taj mahal toothpick


Home Gym Design Tips and Pictures

If you are health conscious, having a gym membership can prove to be a worthy investment. But if you are disciplined and self motivated having a home-gym is a decision you will always be proud of.

The burning question is where to start from? Here are some quick tips to consider once you are decided on having your own personal workout place.

Home Gym Design Tips

1) Think of a gym and one visualises a big room with full length mirrors and all sorts of training equipments combined with an open space for aerobic/yoga sessions. It might be true in case of commercial gyms but when it is home-gyms spaces do not have to be huge. A small spare room in your house or basement can be a great place to get started.

2) When you purchase equipments, make sure they are safe, compact and versatile. As you will mostly be working out alone you should make sure that you are investing in the right type of equipments. It is also essential to not try and cram the space with too much equipment. Keep it minimal. Keep it simple.

3) While setting up, you might as well get an accessory rack where you can place your small gadgets making them in turn easily reachable. You can also consider getting a small fridge to keep your energy drinks and water bottles.

4) Place a full length mirror on one of the walls. It gives a feeling of roominess plus you can keep a check on all your fitness moves. And it can be a source of motivation as well.

5) And lastly, having a great collection of music to listen to while you work out can make it a more enjoyable experience. Consider plugging in a music system if you can. It is a great catalyst and stress buster.

Home Gym Design Inspiration

All pictures below are not of ‘home-gyms’ but you can pick up some ideas from here.

home gym ideas

home gym design
By Stanislav

3dcg design

3d CG Design


Majumder Gym by JLVARGAS

gorgeous evermotion


the article 1

Gym by reshma artwork
Reshma Artwork

home gym in mirror

Raymack Remodelling



izano beautiful gym



Cool Attic Spaces and Ideas

Most attics live and die without ever having an identity of their own. If planned well, they can be put to good use. The attic can be transformed into an office or a lounge. It can either act as your study or just a room where you can chill out. If you are an artist, the room can be a great place to brainstorm. Its basically the seclusion of it from the rest of the house which makes it such a big hit. If you have been toying with idea of what to do with your attic take a look at the pictures below. You can apply a fresh theme to the room(like the car room) or use very rusty colours to give it a worn out, old vintage feel. Whatever you choose, the place which once was smelly won’t be the same anymore.

1 attic place
The Estate of Things

2 attic space
House Dreams

3 attic all white

4 attic space
Anton Lepashov

5 attic space

6 attice space

This is from a house we covered more in detail here: Beautiful French Country House
7 attic space

8 attic space

9 attic space

10 attic space

11 attic space

12 attic space
Cars themed kid attic

13 attic space

14 attic space


Living Room Photography: 12 Inspirational Interiors

Jeff Heron has a B.F.A in commercial photography from University of Detroit, MI. His love for architecture and design reflects in his collection of artistic photographs. We took a look at the living room images he has clicked up for his portfolio and were genuinely impressed. Looking at these images, one can’t but marvel at the fine details that have been immaculately transferred from real to reel. The interiors are no doubt gorgeous but the photographs make them desirable beyond expectation.

beautiful beige curtains

cozy living room

classic living room

colorful living room

gorgeous beige bathroom

gorgeous living room

luxurious living room

orange chairs in living room

orange living room

sea facing living room

white interiors in living room

white living room


Amazing Architectural Concept Physalia: The Amphibious Garden

As always UN comes up with shocking hair-raising statistics about world calamities. As worrying they are, they have a strange power to jostle creative minds. Several mind boggling inventions and innovations come into being when the earth is endangered and the concept amphibian garden done by Vincent is just an example of it.

Though the project is still on paper it is a fantastic idea which brings solution to the water problems of the European populations of the world. The rivers of Denube, Volga, Rhine etc will have these floating amphibian water gardens which will carry people and clean the water at the same time. It has double hull, so as it moves, it also filter / cleans the water that passes through it…A fact worth knowing about this prototype is that it generates more energy than it consumes which is exactly opposite of what current vehicles do. Its roof has solar cells which runs on 2 hydro-turbines. These turbines covert the energy of flowing river (river current) into hydro-electricity which means no external power is required to run them. Radical, aint it?Wait there’s more. The carbon foot prints (carbon emission and fuel waste) left by traditional boats are also absorbed by this floating garden. Its surface is in aluminium (light weight and non rusting.) The aluminum is covered with TiO2 (titanium di oxide) which is photocatalytic in nature and the coating destroys bacteria, viruses odor and harmful gases.

radical architecture

physalia on water


futuristic housing

floating garden

creative garden ideas

concept architecture

building on an ocean

awesome garden concepts

amphibian garden in europe

Thanks for the tip, Freshome.